NYC in 48 hours

This is the first 24 hours of our 48 Hour stay in NYC.
Our adventure started in Tribeca, as we began our mission to find the "IT PLACES of NYC.
We established the following:

1. Tribeca is a pleasant area to live, it being close to broadway and many other hip and trendy places.
2. Cipriani is the best Italian in town! Their signature Bellinis are AMAZING, I haven't found anything like them anywhere (Mr Cipriani actually invented them).
3. The LF store is really unique ( they always have the cutest collection of items you wont find anywhere else... it is my little secret store.
4. The broadway show Wicked is really worth seeing this season. It is really well written and funny!
5. Times Square is always a must go see when your in NYC.
6. Lastly for the first day we went to the Trump Soho club, which is a trendy place to go for a drink before you go to a club.

I hope you like these suggestions & don't miss the rest in my next post!



 View from a Tribeca Apartment
 Ejoying Bellinis at Cipriani
 Very rich chocolate cake a Cipriani
 Strolling down NYC streets
 The LF Store
 Time to try on some cute outfits for the tonight
 Carolina Kohn & Savana Peetoom
 Wicked at Broadway
Times Square lighting up the city at night
At the Trump Soho club with friends from Parsons

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